Sunday, August 10, 2008

Late but not late enough…

Lift: Mujhe ko bhi lift kar de.. when adnam sang this song he really wanted a lift, a lift to raise himself to the peak of his performance. Guess what, we common people too need this lift. Some time hurring to reach somewhere, sometime to somewhere and sometime emergency and sometime fun..
Everyone, sometime in his life asks for the lift, for a ride, or even for in case of emergency to reach somewhere or follow someone, yes you must have taken or given such ride over your amazing bike or car. Guess what even I had this pleasure of taking the ride from one of my friend. He is very unique in many sense(s), but this one is better than best.
Info : New Town to Airport by taxi takes around 15-20 min as its on highway , so you can guess by bike(Pulsar 180) will take how much….
Well first he is a very good friend of mine, quite of sensitive and planner sometimes. Rest of his feature can well be explained if you get the pleasure to meet him. Well such chances comes only meet once in life time.
Coming to his motoring skills. Well he know how to bike, he has been biking since long time, but his confidence i am not sure how much he has. Once he gave me lift on his own wish for a ride from my house to airport. That was day he was driving very slow, I was not sure why…. I was thinking he might be little depressed, because he was about to resign from his company but due to some reasons he was not able to do so. But he gave a clear cut indication that sooner or later he will leave the company. He was happy that he actually showed that he will f*** everybody if they doesn’t move accordingly or give him the importance, well every hard working and dedicated person will seek proper importance as well as appreciation . He was actually more or less perplexed with situation he created. It was a consolidated form of it drama, where he made everybody cry…..… okay I got I got little deviated from the main topic.. Actually he was narrating the entire story when he was driving. Thinking that he might be more concerned on the story then biking, so I assumed that might be the reason why he was driving slow… but that’s not all the story. That’s not full coverage of the episode it’s just the beginning of actual act. Well somehow I reached the air port without any harm or time delay as I had taken approximately 2 to 3hr backup. All hail to his biking I was on time.. I was on time…….. (getting the point…) after 2-3hr backup I was on time..:D
Next ride : I had to leave for Bangalore for holiday and as messed up with my routine I was packing my things even at the last moment and this time I was not having 3hr backup. But somehow I managed to have some backup of 2hrs 30 min. First of all I looked for taxi and my good luck ended me up with too many taxies.. I mean none. Thinking that my friend who had already given me a ride to airport would be more helpful and I might be able to save lot of my time for easy security checkin’s.
By this time he had resigned from his company and he was working on his B-plan. So I called him and explained all the panic I had in my mind. Well my emotional dram worked and I got the ride on his bike to airport. Huhhhhh the ride began and it was so smooth. The ride begins, I began with my story like where was I going and by what time I will back with whom and whats my plan was.. blah blah blah…, believe me it was a long explanation and it continued for a long time. Then he began from his company experience, all his previous work load and resignation attempts. Then about his one fellow colleague, and his attempts on him for a bigger master plan of engaging his sister with him(my friend), along with many other curious incidents. Then about his entire B-plan, strategy & workouts, almost everything from beginning to end. Well I always believed in his plan and it was really jotted enough to work-out to become a successful firm. You might have noticed that all these world wide discussion happened in the mere journey from newtown to airport. The amount of discussion was really huge and enormous. I was even shocked, how so many things was discussed in such a mere time.. First of all it was not just mere time it was huge time expanded over a wide span of every second. No one can guess, how such a small ride could be inflated to such a long tour. Even I was myself various questions like, wasn’t he aware of the exact path, was there Bangalore like killing traffic, was he riding tricycle or we were on Eleven number bus.. I mean to walking.
Guess what none of these were true, he knew the path, there was no traffic on highway especially on night, he was riding pular 180 and nor we were walking, actually the truth was that he was biking and its speed was “Oh god tushi great ho…” I could have walked much faster than that. It was the most cautious riding I had ever seen in my life. His speed was ultimate as he was going on some varying speed between 5 to 15, at max as per I remember, If pushed hard on some cases it reached to 25 for a fraction. Well that was the speed, now the location ie where exactly he was driving, on such a big three lane highway (thou under construction for three way but still was nearly 3 way) and he was at the side line of the road, Where you will find either someone walking or a cycle waala whistling and cycling in the mood. We were going on that specific lane. Guess he never went in that actual highway on the entire ride. He was buzzing every cycle waala and people walking on that pitty lane, with his teasing horn. He was buzzing and asking for pass from them, thou the entire highway was way empty. We were even over taken by cycle waala sometime. He asked for passes from cycle waala, walking person , rickshaw and thela(three wheel trolly used for smaller good transportation and its like richshaw(don’t get confused with auto)). He was so aliened with the lane that he lost the track of the actual path and we went into under construction path and ended up the dead end. Somehow we reached the main road. His speed used to dimmed as we used to approach any rickshaw from no speed to nothing and it was really challenging overtaking the rickshaws. He became even more conscious when he saw the police van and it was a scene seeing, how we crossed the police, the speed was at its peak, cycle waala and rickshaw was more speeding than us. I urged him asking him to let me drive but he didn’t and even I didn’t pushed hard. But this helped him to boost the speed sometime. There was this case that we were going discussing something and cycle waala buzzed us with the ring/bell from behind and he almost tumbled. Believe me he stumbled and we gave him the pass believing it was most perfect choice.
Pushing him somehow and with the god’s grace we reached the airport with reaming 30mins(approx). I was thanking my luck hoping that I might not miss my flight and actually I didn’t. After reaching the airport I thanked him for his extraneous ride, he even told me that he is leaving Kolkata for good and will be going to Delhi for startup. That meet with him actually meant a long break before we would see each other again. In simple terms that was our last seeing. Now he is Delhi still working hard.
Just entering the airport, I was felling surprised from his driving skills. My past experience with him bike should had actually added ++ facts but it got exponentially boosted. All I was thinking that I will never take ride ever from anyone. It was a shocking ride and I was just asking one question why why and why????
Way back in airport, after all security checks and in flight, I was trying to figure out why he was acting like that. I was not sure why he was acting like that; I was more than just confused, nothing about his emotion was clear. He was sad, bit staddle with his own thoughts between the decision of leaving the company and startup, tormented from his colleague and feeling of missing someone or losing someone, might had made him more precautious and even lost for sometime or something. He was even scared, as many time on the way, he mentioned that he saw a death claiming accident which actually trashed his faith on highways. Well all it appeared to me that, he was scared enough, not to make any mistake and he was running with the policy of “better late than never”.
Hmm not everyone thinks in one direction thou how critical be the situation. Same was the situation I believed was with him. He required more of support than asking for a favor from him, thou he shows he is very brave, but “egg shell is harder only from outside, inside is the real truth”.
All I want to say that however critical the situation was, or the conditions was or the feeling was: Was the time justifiable for airport ride, I guess not, There is something wrong with his driving skills as well :D. What do you think.. do post your.. comments…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing us informative posts.